Saturday, January 4, 2014

No Limits

Hi from SA!! We're having lots of fun doing many exciting things such as cabin challenges, making new friends, and having devotionals about conquering fears. This morning we had an amazing singing devo that showed us that we praise the same almighty God all throughout the world. Through all the deep talks, late night laughs, friendship bracelet making, and dodgeball we have seen that no matter the distance, God's kingdom has no limits.
Much love from,
           Ailex Lloyd and Alexis Maharty
- Hey look mom we blogged!!


  1. It sounds like you all are having an amazing time.
    God's kingdom is incredible!! We are listening to the singing devo and we are dancing and singing along. wow! great

    Love you,
    Mom and Dad

  2. We are so excited you guys have this opportunity to live with gods people halfway around the world! Make memories, make new friends, renew old friendships, enjoy being part of Gods incredible kingdom!
    We love you and wait to hear of all you've done and seen!
    Mom and Dad
    PS super proud of you for blogging!!!
