Monday, January 11, 2016

How Do You Define Success?

I have heard it said that success can be defined only by what you can measure and those measurements must meet a certain predefined goal.  Some say the intangibles like love, joy and happiness can't be measured or perhaps question how we might measure them at camp? I submit we could count the number of smiles, the number of laughs, the number of challenges, the number of high fives and encouraging words, the number of meals served or times a table was cleaned; what about the number of questions asked in pursuit of a deeper friendship or the silent ponderings before God in the quiet of the morning or the number of Bible pages flipped in reverent reading?  Could we consider the various joyful noises heard in the dining hall or the pool or la cancha (pavilion)?

As I delve deeper into the measurements, I am overwhelmed at the myriad variety of possibilites; any of which could singularly quantify success, and then we get to airport, where a whole new set of measurements present themselves:  good-byes, see-you-soons, Skype-mes, hugs, bear-hugs, neck-squeezes, and tears.  Yes, tears: big ones, small ones, many and few (of the misting type)...even from some of the guys.  The quintessential expression of how much you can love someone in such a short time.

Success? Oh, every definable way, yes!

Nicaragua, thanks for giving your heart to us and for taking ours.  We will see you soon!

We are just now taxing for take off. Family and friends, we will see you soon.

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