Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Greetings from the Abioduns!

Howdy ya'll! We are so excited to be in South Africa again! We are about to eat dinner and then we head to the church for the New Years party!! Wooo!!
This trip has already been such a blast filled with laughter, fellowship, service, dancing, singing, and praising our awesome God as one big family. We both feel so honored to be out here.
Today the Americans went to the lion and rhino park and saw so much of the beauty in South Africa up close. We were able to go to one of the local markets to get souvenirs! One of the marketers remembered us from last year which was really cool!
Basically, the whole trip has been absolutely fantastic and we're so grateful to be back out here again. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers as we go out to train for camp tomorrow!!! The time has come for CAMP!!!
Sending our love from South Africa,
Melina and Elyse

Day Four on an Amazing Adventure

Hello from South Africa!
It has been such a joy being here with so many brothers and sisters. A lot of people have asked me what has been the biggest difference here compared to the States, but honestly, I've been feeling like I'm just with good friends in another city. Don't get me wrong, it is a little strange driving on the opposite side of the road and paying in rand (I used a 10 rand bill for a water; that through me off a bit. Im still trying to remember that It's not equivalent to 10 US dollars). I've just been so taken care of by my host family and my SA friends that I feel right at home :)

We left the Iion park just now and it was so amazing! -Don't worry mom, no lion/tiger/cub mauled my face off. But it was so beautiful out there! Every day here I'm constanty reminded of the beauty in God's creation. Just being here is such a privilege and blessing. I've thanked God every day that I had the opportunity to see South Africa and the body of Christ here. I'm feeling his love in every hug I get when meeting a new brother or sister; it's AWESOME!

Now it's time to get ready for camp!! Thank you for all the prayers. With much love all the way from South Africa (missing you mom, dad, dee, and kev)

-Amber Heibeck

Praise About the Lion ark

The last few days have been extraordinary! My host family is awesome! In the past few days we have become closer than possible. In the mornings their toddler wakes us up with screams and lion roars. Today we are at the lion park where Gods glory is everywhere! From the rolling green hills to the majestic animals roaming the grassy plains. I never want this experience to end.
Alexa Sewell

A Little Perspective.

There are a thousand things I could talk about right now but our time in Diepsloot yesterday has by far had the greatest impact on me. This year our focus was on the change that each of us can make in the world. I was with the 8-9 year olds and only a few of the boys in my group actually spoke english- but we didn't realize this until we had finished our group discussion, thinking that they were just shy. After that, one of the South African  counselors started translating everything to Zulu and the boys all came alive! The change they hoped for wasn't an amazing job, college scholarships or any other ideals we all hope for in America,  but simple things like clean drinking water and a house to live in.
Each group was challenged to make a symbol or some sort of visual and a quick presentation to represent the discussions and what we did really moved me. Our group chose to make a house shape while singing a South African song "Shosholoza" which is a song about pushing forward. From the time we started practicing this, the boys finally began to smile and be more out f themselves and you could see walls coming down just by watching the body language.  All of the sudden, these boys who would not even give a reaction were laughing, running with me, holding my hand, and following my lead whether it was doing silly dancing or going around collecting trash. (I promise all of this is going somewhere!)
I know people always say love can break all barriers and actions can speak louder than words, but I don't think I've ever believed those things so strongly.  As we wrapped up our day all I could do was hug my boys tightly and hope that all of them would hold onto that pure joy that comes from having dreams for the way that they could all truly make a change in the harsh world that they know.
I'm extremely humbled and just reminded of what the world can really be like and how easy it is to give God's love with simple things like a smile, a few (translated) words of hope, and a hug. I can't wait to see what camp has in store because I already feel so inspired by my time here.
Much love to all of my friends and family reading this!
- Jacob

My love...My South Africa

Good morning!!
South Africa is so amazing! Everything about it screams beauty the land, the sky and so importantly the people. Yesterday went  to Diepsloot my heart will forever remember the beautiful hopeful children that I sang with danced with and loved. Now I understand why God loves his little children. Its amazing, the universal language, love.  I love them and they loved me. We didn't have to talk we just did.  The  children are now forever in my mind and my heart.  Leaving them yesterday was the hardest thing I had to do, but they taught me soo much like how to love, how to be grateful, selfless and lastly how to take care of people you love. Now I will have to depart to the amazing lion country so goodbye, I love you all!

Sincerely, Tiffany Ceasor

South African Adventures

Excited to be on our way to the Lion Park this morning! It was great to be able to finally sleep in SA time last night. But despite the previous lack of sleep, it has been incredible being able to meet and spend time with desciples on the other side of the world! It's so cool to meet teenagers different in culture and personality but to still have SO much in common because of Christ. We are excited to start camp soon and get to know even more South Africans!!
Sydney Reese

Monday, December 30, 2013

Kids Club

Today we ventured out to Deipsloot and visited the Kids Club. This is my favorite part of the trip! We talked with the kids about how they can change the world and it was inspiring. They are so confident in themselves which is something I really admire. I was with eight and nine year olds and as we were going around saying our names the kids began to declare what they wanted to be when they grow up...many said doctors, lawyers, and surgeons. I began to think of how in America we are given so many opportunities and I became so grateful for my education.  Along with that, the love and happiness these children radiate is incredible (even though we could not always speak the same language). This one girl would randomly run into me with her arms wide open and give me the biggest hug! I don't even think we exchanged words. It's incredible how much a little smile can impact someone so much! :) Needless to say we're having a great time! Much love from Africa!

Maddie Hunter

Joyful Celebration

Waking from the jetlag was a lttle difficult the first day. But ariving at the church you are instantly awaken with such a joyous tempo. The praise and worship is so genuine. The brothers and sisters are so grateful to be blessed enough to praise the one indivisible GOD. Truly they believe that it is a blessing to simply be a part of the church. The people have a heart for the church that is missing in the states. I think of when the bible talks about the joy behind having the privilidge
To belong to the kingdom of GOD. I know I will not want to return home though I do miss my friends and family. Try to imagine the true image of the bible and the church with Jesus as the head of the body the church. Then imagine having to leave what you can now call your family. My brothers and sisters can be assured I will be back. My family is not simply the people that are related to me or not even just the congregation of the church though they are my brothers and sisters in CHRIST. My family is the people of the world.  I am free and I shall set them all free.

Quinton Sanicola

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Just landed!

We have just landed in south Africa.   Looking forward to an awesome time with all of my fellow campers.

Landon Johnson
Snellville, Ga

my first flight

My first flight was the off the chain! God's creation is so beautiful, just imagine what heaven is like!


Flying over Africa and looking at the sights was amazing! But being here is a million times better! Everything is so green and fresh, its like stepping into a new world. However my excitement trumps all of that. I cant wait to meet my host family!

We made it!!!

Wow! I cant believe that we are actually back here! It seems like yesterday we were saying "only six more months" and  now we are here! God has answered all of our prayers and all of the parent's prayers as well! The weather is amazing! I am so happy to be back and ready to spread the word to the campers here.  And I am ready to build stronger relationships with  everyone! We here we go!!!!

Jason Tumelo Sheffield

Friday, December 27, 2013

Up up and away!!

Well here we are-about to embark on the journey of a lifetime! With a group of 55 of us maneuvering through the airport you can only imagine the chaos! We made it successfully through security and we are anxiously waiting at the gate to board! Parents, fear not, Sam and I will look after your children, they are safe in our care! :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

South Africa…Here We Come Again!

I am sitting here on Christmas Eve watching the clock cross the midnight mark into Christmas day and I can't believe in a couple of days we are heading to South Africa for our third and final time. If there were no reason for Christmas, there would have been no reason to go to there in 2011. And now that we have been there for last two years, there are numerous reasons and they all have names. I can't wait to see my friends and celebrate a New Year with them as I have done for the past two years. Though saddened by his death and yet immensely joyful for what Nelson Mandela chose his life to represent , I also can't wait to catch a part of the celebration that is going on in South Africa in his honor...I think it will add to the flavor of our visit. I bid all of you a wonderful Christmas. Much love, Jeff

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Going home

On the way home. Feels good to be going back and at the same time sad.

-Caleb Gordon

Farewell Barbados

Whoo, about to board the flight. Being here in Barbados has been an unrealized dream come true. I'm going to miss the children. Their tears left a trail from the camp to the airport. I'm sad but I'm more excited because of the next time we meet there will be stories of miracles, faith, loss, and gain. I'm looking forward to Swamp 2014! Looking forward to some rest on the flight.
-Bajan Out aka Karl Bolinger.

Leaving barbados

How this week has gone by really fast. It has been incredible watching God work in this beautiful,small country. I will miss this this place and hope God will continue to help them out

Javi Schirmer

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fruity Fun

Bim Camp is over and we are all settled in to our hotel rooms and have been spending all afternoon at the beach chilling with our Bajans. I tried Goose Berries and Ackees and they were amazing! I was a tad skeptical at first but they were delicious!! We Americans are about to go get some grub that Jeff so graciously is paying for. We have church in the morning and Shawn and Gale asked me to speak about my experience this week so please pray I do well and the entire service goes amazing. Then at 3:15 we get on the plane back headed for America. It's going to be a very bitter sweet ride but I truly miss my family and friends and can't wait to see them again. Well we are off to dinner! Bye!
Condense condense condense.
Lauren Cicerchia

Swamp and Surf

Hi everyone! Shout out from Barbados! We just finished an amazing week at camp. It was incredible to see the Bajans grow and take ownership of their camp this week. From the leadership of Shawn and Gale as well as the counselors and oldest boys, to the hearts of the youngest girls, God was truly glorified this week. I am confident that Bim Camp is here to stay, and I'm so encouraged by the vulnerability shown this week.
Currently, we are at an amazing resort with the bluest water ever, enjoying some time in the sun and surf. I'm so excited for the Bajan teen-led service tomorrow. I can't wait to worship with the Bridgetown Church. Thanks to everyone who has supported Swamp Corps and made this possible!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dinner date

My cabin played against boys 2 at death ball and we might've lost.. I don't really know. Ok so we did lose and we had to go in a dinner date and serve them their food. My date was Caleb and he kept asking me questions so I talked the whole time and didn't get to eat my food. Anyways Barbados is just as amazing and the weather has been beautiful. Keep us in our prayers
Caroline Long

The Friendships at Bim Camp

I met Caleb at the beginning of the week and we basically got to know each other at that time. We are both the same age and clicked instant. We all played deathball and basically waste away our days playing it. The lessons have also allowed us to draw closer and I'm really glad Caleb could make it to Bim Camp 2013.

I am a Bajan.

This week is truly flying by. I mean it's already Thursday and we leave Barbados Sunday afternoon. I have built relationships I know I will never forget, been to classes that will change my life, and had food that is absolutely wonderful. It's lunch right now and we are about to go to our 2 hour cabin time (nap time!) and then we get to go to the park and play Swamp Ball! Please pray no one gets hurt and we all have tons of fun. I think I can speak for all of the Americans here this week that we are all so grateful for this amazing opportunity to spend a week with all of our Bajans. Thank you for everyone that made it possible for us to be here!
P.S. Shawn did an AMAZING job leading the cross study.
P.P.S The stars are absolutely gorgeous here
P.P.P.S I am a Bajan.
Lauren Cicerchia

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Swamp Pomp!

It never gets old! Truthfully I worry that the older campers may be a little bored right at the start, but then it all begins and the lives we live are put on a week long hold. This time around what I've really appreciated is that with some effort willing hearts and the favour of the Lord, a unique camp can be born. Barbados loves the swamp, our lives are eternally changed. :)

Chasing Roosters

Barbados is amazing. The people are wonderful and the food is delicious. Julia and I tried to catch a rooster yesterday, it didn't really work but we will catch that rooster by the end of the week. It's on Julia's bucket list so she is more determined than me. Anyways keep praying that weather stays beautiful!
Caroline Long

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bajan Fever!

It is so great returning to the island. Many familiar faces and friends remembered since the last time I visited in 2011 with the Columbia Campus ministry.
Already, there are unforced bonds and memories being made - glory be to God. The older girls I am counseling are doing a fantastic job at being loving servants and building relationships; stepping up and making an impact. I cannot wait for what the Lord is going to do the rest of this week for His name to be lifted High!
If you read this, Please pray for love and safety here at camp!! I'm over joyed! ;)
<3 Tia Pope

Monday, July 29, 2013

Home sweet home

After our early morning wake up call, we have finally arrived! And there is no better way to arrive than being greeted by our Bajan family. It feels good to be home. We're off to a day full of fellowship, training, and most importantly good food before all the kids arrive tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers as we embark on our third and final year in this beautiful country!
-Ashlyn Bennett
Ps, Alex says hi!

Landed in Miami

Landed safely in Miami thank you for all of the prayers. We can't wait to go to Barbados in an hour. Keep all of us in your prayers and let's hope this week will be amazing!

Caroline Long

Barbados here we come!!

Chillin at the airport with my fellow future bajans!! We're tired but ready to fly and maybe get some sleep... But probably not!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Never the right time to say goodbye

Leaving Brazil yesterday was probably the hardest thing I have had to do in a long time. I have had such an amazing week in Belo and it was so difficult to say goodbye to everyone. I have built so many close relationships with people in a matter of four days and even though we couldn't communicate very well, I feel like I've known everyone at the camp forever. I know for a fact that I'm coming back next year, so its not a "goodbye", it's a "see you soon".

So close, and yet so far

Swamp corps Brazilian mission has come to an end. Although all of us are sad to leave, our mission was a success. The kids had a great time and had a "family like bond" with each other. Even thuogh I couldn't speak their language, I could cumunicate with my fellow campers with hand signals and basic acting skills. I was the oldest kid in boys 4 (every one else being 14) but that was not a problem because all if us had a blast and bonded like brothers. Although I could not speak their language, I could see their hearts and that's all that really counted. All of them kept trying to talk to me, knowing that they couldn't. They were willing to somehow overcome the language barrier in order to have a basic conversation. If all else failed we grabbed the nearest translator. However, now camp is over and we said our goodbye's....or at least until next time.
So here we all are, back in the States, sitting in the Miami airport. We'll get some sleep, drink some coffee, have commumion, wait for our plane, and should bust out if here at about 11:30. So close to home yet so far!
-Austin Hunter

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Reflecting and Laughing

We are at the Belo Horizonte talking, sitting, laughing and thinking what an incredible time we have. Love conquers all: the more trips I go on the I realize the power of love overcoming any differences we may have. I will spend time thinking about that as I think this is a simple and deep well. Now I have to change gears and get ready for Barbados' 3rd year. Thanks for your support. Can't wait to see you.

Much love, Jeff


As is custom when Swamp Corps goes to a new country for the first time, our closing ceremony finished with a story of the power of dreams and of faith. It's a story about a kingdom in ruin, one without hope or faith, full of sadness and hardship. In the story, an old man on a journey unknowingly comes to the king's castle to ask to stay the night and have a meal. When the old man sees the run down castle and the condition of the kingdom he decides to help by giving the king a magic spyglass that allows you to see "what can be." He gives the king this charge, "You've seen what can be. Now go and make it so." And the kingdom, having been given the gift of hope and of vision and dreams, restores itself and flourishes. I'm on my way home and am feeling incredibly inspired. I'm inspired to go back home and dream for my life and for my campus ministry and God's kingdom. I'm excited to "go and make it so." And I'm incredibly grateful to this trip for that. Thank you all for all your support and prayers. I hope you too are feeling inspired by this trip.
Obrigado (Thanks),
Cameron Roepe


I'm so grateful for this amazing experience. I thank my parents and GOD for this oppurtunity to live a dream of traveling to Brazil. It was so amazing to see the Brazilians embrace camp culture and have so much fun. Swamp has no language or nationality. It is always great to live in a place where GOD is the focus for a week! I am more spiritual now than I have been in my whole life.
Marques Wilson

Immeasurably more than we could ask for

Holy cow this week has been so amazing. To see God work in a way that I've never experienced before has been incredible. I saw the walls of insecurity, fear and doubt crumble in the people around me. The powerful love that I saw and that I felt from the people here truly amazed me. This week I got to experience camp like never before-I usually have loud weeks of camp and I can honestly say this was probably my quietest week of camp since I couldn't use my words very much to show love,and I think that was a good thing for me. It was so cool to see God move in the hearts of the people here. He has done SO MUCH MORE than I imagined he would do this week. Camp happened in Brazil!!! We serve an amazing and powerful God and I am so grateful.
Love halie

Um Exército Que Conquista

If you think I did not understand Portugese this week, then you are probably right; but if you think God was not here with us this week, then you are completly wrong.  The first couple of days it was near impossible to fathom that I was in Brazil (or Brasil if you are a native).  But immediately after taking a sip of the coffee, it hits you.  The cultures between the two countries are amazingly different; yet God's love, their love for God, and their convictions are exactly the same, despite the distance between the two countries.  For example, Brazilians eat healthier food, where as Americans eat very artificial things.  Another thing I have noticed is that Brazilians are not the most cautious people.  But yet when they make the decision to find God in their life, their is no caution, just a full fledged heart to serve God.  In my eyes, an army of Brazilian disciples can and will conquer and change their homes, towns, state, continent, and the world.  That is why Swamp was brought to Brazil.

Also, shoutout to my co-counselor, Fillipe.  Even though our age difference could have stopped us, our love and convictions overcame any challenges we had counseling Boys 2.  I thank you and I am extremely grateful to call you my brother in Christ.  I love you brother!


Saying goodbye's

5 hours and counting! That's how long we've been saying, "see you next year", "until next time" or "tchau".  When you've bonded so quickly with such affectionate and passionate people, it's going to take a minute!
We will miss this country and it's people. We are forever a Swamp family.
Until next time, Brazil!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Love in Action

This trip is challenging. But I love it. I have learned so so much. From the language, to the culture, to how to work through barriers, these limitations have opened a whole new world for me. Learning to converse with the kids is mentally draining but exciting. I have learned to love with action. I've found I do more activities with my campers. Because I cannot speak to them very well I have learned to be more animated and out of myself. I have learned new ways to communicate such as dancing, chanting, high fives, bowing and singing. Today was the first day I felt connected to my campers. My biggest fear going in to the week was that I would be ignored. It is so rewarding though just to see smiles or laughs. It is amazing what one can sense without words. This week has taught me to speak through action. And That character, godliness, and convictions are best demonstrated through what one does. I'm so grateful I get to be in Brazil. There are so many great leaders here and I see so many more soon to come in my cabin. Cabine un esta moite manero. Chaio.

Good Times Com Boas Amigas

Muito bom saber que mesmo com a distancia temos o mesmo proposito ,e esta com voces brincar rir se divertir juntos é muito gostoso e bom
- bianca

Well camp is in full swing here in Brazil! We are singing, dancing, playing lots of ninja and soccer and having fun! Despite the language barrier the girls in my cabin are having fun and we are finding ways to communicate and play! We are tired from our meager attempts at Portugese but God is teaching us a lot and camp is working it's magic here!

This is a picture of bianca and me! :)

It's the Little Things.....

It's Thursday morning and the kids are in clase de biblia (bible class) and counselors are enjoying a much needed break! This morning we enjoyed being apart of the singing devotional praising God in two languages. It truly is amazing to hear the Brazilians sing songs in Portuguese...even if we don't understand the language we all are praising the same God.
We have learned so much in such a short time and have grown in our gratitude for the little things at home/ The Swamp. Like asking a camper to go to sleep and knowing they understand you even if they don't listen.... Or asking a camper what they would like to do and understanding their response. Despite the language barrier, we feel like we have established a Swamp atmosphere here in Brazil. The Brazilian campers are so outgoing and fun! They love to dance and move their hips! And they are the most open and beautiful people you will ever meet. Their beauty is probably due to the fact that they like to shower multiple times a day - much different than the Swamp! It has been a joy to get to know them and we are confident that South America will have a fun and impactful camp for many years to come.

Kevin & Dee

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Deus Faz Momentos Especiais

Momentos especiais, cheios de amor, alegria, coragem, sonhos e força de Deus. Cada um dando seu melhor, cada um vencendo suas barreiras e se encontrando em um grande sorriso acolhedor. Deus, com todo seu amor, tem cuidado de cada detalhe. Hoje, um dia incrivel e inesplicavel.

Shaene Rodrigues, (a esquerda)

Playing Through Fears

What fun it is to see the kids play. The camp here has a low ropes obstace course and the kids are having a blast. Kids are kids all over the world...they just want to play and be happy. They teach us to play and enjoy life and that we can grow from being fearful to confident, happy adults. We had a boy afraid to sleep away from home, do so last night. He was happy and proud this morning; he grew a few steps last night. We have a girl who was a afraid to try the low ropes course (see picture) and she is doing it, made it all the way through. We have counselors overcoming their fears of being able to do a good job. So proud of everyone.


Brazilian Friendships

So far at camp, friendships have started even though there is a language barrier between the campers and counselors. We always find ways to communicate and have fun and show our love for God. The Brazilians show the Americans new sports and new games. The Americans are also teaching the campers dodgeball and limbo and many other things. All of us are so excited to be together and form new relationships.
Sandy, Camila, and Sarah

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My experience in Brazil

So far, Brazil has been an amazing experience and I have learned so much about the country and I am in love with it! This is my first time in South America and I'm learning about the culture everyday. Portuguese is such a hard language to learn, but speaking to the Brazilians everyday has tought me so much more than learning it from a book, since I didn't bring one. I am growing so much closer to them and I am appreciating relationships in the church more than I have ever before. It has been hard to communicate with the Brazilians who don't speak English, so using other people and charades has helped me speak to them. I'm super excited to see what amazing things God will do to everyone this week; I'm so grateful that God has chosen me to go to Brazil this week....its already changing me so much!

Primeiro Acampamento Brasileiro, First Brazilian Camp

Hoje começa o primeiro acampamento brasileiro. Tem sido incrivel aprender com pessoas tão experientes e especiais. É muito encorajador sentir o espirito de Deus presente em nosso meio.

Orem por nos.
conselheiras brasileiras

Today the first Brazilian camp starts. It's been amazing to learn with amazing and special people. Its so encouraging to feel Gods Spirit with us.

Pray for us,
Priscila and Thais
Brazilian counselors

Monday, July 22, 2013

Guarda-chuva! From Belo!

Hey y'all! Since I know most of you don't speak Portuguese I'll let you know that guarda-chuva means umbrella.

A little background on me, I was part of the fulltime staff at the Swamp this summer. So after being there all summer I left the last week a little early to hop on a plane (my first time!) and fly over here to Brasil!!! Also, Brasil is the Brazilian spelling of Brazil. Yolo swaggy. So after leaving a wonderful summer at the Swamp (shout out to you guys, I miss ya!) and coming to a foreign country for the first time and some crazy things happening, you could assume the first few days were a little emotional! But now we're at camp and I'm so excited! The campers arrive tomorrow and we've been planning and talking (in two languages) and setting up for camp. I can't wait to see what God will do here! I know He has amazing plans and I'm excited to see His love shown across two countries and two languages. But right now I'm goin to play some dodgeball! Deuces yall.

We bought a zoo

After a day of traveling and touring the city, we have finally arrived at the camp. We had a very interesting night sleep last night. Little did we know, we rented a zoo. Parrots, dogs, and roosters, oh my! And they all decided to give praise to the Lord most high... All night long. But it's totally fine because this place is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. We're off to a fun filled day of counselor training and brainstorming creative ways to communicate with the campers when they arrive tomorrow. So far, the language barrier hasn't been anything but awesome. Singing worship songs we all knew in our native languages together was incredible. But I'm certain we will need your prayers for the week of camp to come. Shout out to my family and friends reading this. Love you all!

- Ashlyn Bennett

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hello from Belo!

Ola. This morning we got the privilege to worship with the Belo Horizonte church. It was very moving to hear worship songs in another language. Although we didn't know exactly how to pronounce each word, we did our best to sing along. It was so incredible to be worshiping God in Portuguese. It definitely opened our eyes to see how big the world is. Just knowing that there are people all around the world worshiping God in different languages is truly mind blowing. Our host families have been fantastic! Language has been a new and interesting experience. Some of our Brazilian friends speak English, but many don't. Thank you mom and dad for making me take Spanish! (Chelsi says) We can kind of communicate better in our broken Spanish. It's been a fun experience.

Love from Chelsi, Julia, and Cassidy

Home away from home

We were supposed to meet at the church building at 3pm after lunch with our host families. My host family missed the memo and the bus left without us. So reily, Bailey and I had to go on a wild goose Chase with our family to catch up with the bus-what an adventure! We caught up with the group and took a picture with a bride who was taking pictures in the park, it was lovely. :)
We just took a tour of the camp here and HOLY COW it is beautiful! There is a dining hall, cabins, a pool, a chapel...we have everything we need for camp! I am so excited to start the week and bring camp to this country that is melting my heart! Here is a picture if the view of Belo Horizonte-it's so beautiful. God is good!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arraia (ahaya) or Hoedown Night

Tonight we went to an annual party called an Arraia or country party. People dress up like country folk and dance and there are fair games for the children like go fish and ring the bottle.  We got to me some of the kids that will be at camp. It is tough with the language and yet we are meeting more and more people who speak enough English. The warmth and love of the people are comforting as it helps get through the language differences. Mostly we are connecting with the counselors and feeling very welcomed. Tomorrow we have church at 10am. I have the honor of speaking via a translator. Pray for me.  So grateful to be here!  Jeff

Ahhhh Brazilian Food and Fellowship!

Get off the plane, on to a bus and straight to an amazing restaurant, called Rancho Fundo. Plates and plates of salads, bowls and bowls of meats...even some whole animals like the pig and fish.  Wow! Yumola!  We are working hard to converse with each other; I think we are going to wear Samuel and Denise out translating. Ha ha. Very proud of the team pushing through the language barrier. Always good to start with great fellowship and a full stomach.  More later, Jeff

We're in Brazil!!!!

Oh wow!! I'm already amazed at how beautiful Brazil is. As we arrive we met some of our Brazilian friends and they're simply awesome. The bus ride to the restaurant was quite something too with being able to see the city. My mind is really blown.
Jordan Nabors

Friday, July 19, 2013

Waiting in anticipation

It's 10:02pm and we are anxiously waiting to board the plane and take off on our Brazilian adventure. I have absolutely no idea what to expect on this trip but I know that God is going to work in a way that I've never seen if experienced before. I think this trip is going to have to be lived out in a 1 john 3:18 fashion, by showing our love through actions since our words will be few.  I can't wait to set my feet on unknown soil and see our awesome God work miracles


We landed safe. Ready for the 8 hour flight. Everyone is chilling and eating. And taking melatonin.  Nick

Airport adventure you squirms

(This is a rap)
We're sitting at the airport in some comfy chairs
Shout out to all the people giving us funny stares
Our flight leaves in 30 minutes to the land of the unknown
We'll be far away so don't call us cuz we ain't got our phones
We can't wait to see all that God's gonna do
So be sending up some prayers for him to help us through
Down there they only speak Portuguese but that doesn't matter
We hope the food will be good and won't make us fatter
We're wrapping up this rap so we'll leave you with this riddle:
What's ten feet tall and looks like a skittle?
Answer: Brazil!
Love jesse, ashlyn and halie :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great Expectations!

I am sitting here less than 48 hours from take off wondering how next week will go. Directing the final week of camp here in the States has not afforded much time to reflect on the Brazil trip. Nonetheless I am full of thoughts: nervous about the language difference, stretched knowing what kind of energy and selflessness it will take, full of great expectations of how God and our team will work to influence the Brazilian staff and campers, and excited about all that we will learn from these wonderful people and their culture. I believe we will be amazed at how love and service can be translated to any language and culture. Tomorrow I can rise confidently with great expectations because our God has gone before us and he is with us...for His glory.  I hope I can sleep the next two nights!!! Jeff

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Last Leg of an Incredible Journey

We are at the gate in de Gaulle waiting to board for the last leg of our journey. Our tour of Paris was cold, but fun. We all think Paris is really neat (except Cameron - he needs to come back when it is warmer!), but our hearts are still in South Africa. This was my 7th Swamp Corps trip and you might be wondering if all the planning and traveling gets old. Witnessing God work powerfully never gets old and I am honored and grateful to be a part of each trip - my faith is encouraged every time. I also love the opportunity to better get to know each participant. There is no bond like the bond of sharing the gospel together. Finally, meeting brothers and sisters in other places reminds me of how special and precious God's kingdom is - something I have at times struggled to believe. 

Love, Jennifer

Bye Byes and Bonjours

Well, the trip of a lifetime is wrapping up and I'm overwhelmed with emotions from the last 24 hours or so. Last year, the American campers and counselors had to leave directly from church and we had the great priviledge of spending all of Sunday and most of Monday in Joburg. Service was incredible and quite emotional and really helped cap off our week of camp. I got to lead some songs which was really intimidating but we all just had a blast up there praising God with the same songs we had been singing most of the week at our impromptu singing devos throughout camp.  I cried multiple times during service because of how thankful I was for the week and because of the stories of some of the campers and the generosity I saw from the Joburg church and their faith and hope in the future of teens here at their camp.

After service, I was so grateful that I got to eat lunch with most of the boys from my cabin and then spend the day with my man Jade's family. His parents Leigh and Terry were so encouraging and I felt very at home there. The night was fun and really relaxing as the girls took the boys on a reverse date, but the end was bitter sweet as we began our goodbyes.

On Monday as we finally had to say goodbye and get on the bus, I finally lost it completely. When Jeff said it was boarding time I just wept as I hugged the campers and counselors who came to see us off. I can't describe my emotions there except to tell you that my heart now belongs to the people of Africa. The love they showed me and joy and peace that I felt with them cannot be explained so I will just leave it there and tell you that I would sell a kidney if that's what it takes to make it back next year.

Today we have been in Paris and I'm loving it but I must say that South Africa has much more of a draw for me. Sightseeing has nothing on the power of the Spirit at work.

Much love to you all,
Jacobus Nkosinathi Paw-Paw Richardson

Praying in Paris

Airplane food is a lot better on air France. We're on a train praying to God and I'm just grateful to be here. Thanks God thanks Africa, see ya next year!
-Chandler Ward

Monday, January 7, 2013

No Fear in Love

Never have I ever felt such heartache in leaving a place. South Africa has been such an incredible adventure! Everything about this country made me feel at home. The people here were unbelievable. The scripture in 1 john 4:18 captures how I felt on this trip. The love from the people here drove out any fear I may have felt. From the moment I arrived the selflessness and hearts of the people blew me away. I felt so taken care of while here and I found no reason to be afraid. Camp was amazing and there was no need to be afraid because of the overflowing love from everyone around me. I am so unbelievably grateful that God allowed me the opportunity to have this adventure and I can't wait to come back next year! Halie

Let on Rain

Well here we are waiting in the airport to board the plane. My heart is heavy from the sadness of having to leave South Africa yet again. This country has stolen my heart in so many ways. I am so thankful to God for allowing me to meet so many of my brothers and sisters from the southern African region. I love you all South Africans!
-Sam Rorabaugh
It's really cloudy outside and slightly rainy and all of me hopes that our flight is cancelled and we have no choice but to return to our host families and stay until our passports run out. That seems pretty unlikely though. There has never been a place that I have connected to so easily and never people I have gotten to know so well in such a short amount of time. My heart hurts to say goodbye, but I know I'll see them again, if not on earth I will in heaven.
-Carly Shortland


I told Jeff I'd blog, because I thought I knew what to say, until he handed me the phone. We're on the bus, on the way to the airport. The South Africans chased us as far as they could up the road, as if there weren't enough tears already. Many tears are still being shed, but according to Psalms 126, much joy is still to come from them. Praise the Lord for his power and glory, and especially love. Savannah

Zebras on Holiday

I am eating brunch at the Heia Safari Ranch where Zebra, Springboks, Impala and Giraffes roam freely...and humans spend their holiday in Rondevals (huts) shall we say together. So cool!! The top picture is taken right from my table.  There is a sign by the pool that reads "Please exit the pool when the zebras come to drink."  Ha Ha

The other pictures were taken as we strolled the grounds.  That giraffe was huge!  Truly, a quiet time in motion. God is so creative and beautiful.  Jeff

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Sunday of Gratitude

Thinking back on today's service, we're speechless on where to start. The fact that we were able to give back to the church by ushering and greeting people was a great way to start the morning. We had a camp led service that was run by counselors and campers who attended camp. Let's just say that the worship was awesome. We sang songs from our singing devo that we had on Thursday and it was amazing. After a couple of songs, campers and a few of the counselors got to share about their experience at camp. I think there was a common theme: their lives were deeply moved by camp. It's so encouraging to see after a couple of days how God transformed people's hearts tremendously. Another encouraging thing about the service was how grateful the church was. They were so grateful for all of us coming from America and bringing camp to them. Jeff as always preached an amazing sermon on how to live your life dedicated to God! We also got to witness a baptism which was great. As we sang the last song "Lord I Pray", the overwhelming emotion of gratitude hit. We were so so grateful for rejoicing and singing with our brothers and sisters in South Africa. We couldn't be any more thankful to God for this morning and the South African church has made an imprint on our hearts. Here we are at our host families house about to eat snook, which is a fish that is cooked on the brie (grill) for 80 minutes.
Melina Cole and Nifemi Ogunro

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Although my trip isn't over yet, knowing that this camp is coming to an end is killing me. I blamed most of my tears on the fact that I am completely sleep deprived, but the truth is I can't imagine going back to America without my brothers and sisters in Africa. Being at this camp has taught me so much. I used to think that I knew how to worship God with my whole heart, but boy was I wrong. These Africans can worship!! The truth is, I may never see these people again in this lifetime but I hope I'll get the opportunity to meet with them ALL in heaven!

Love, Nifemi aka Fems

Saying Goodbyes

Wow this has been an amazing experience. These people have touched my heart. Yesterday we had the thankful devo. It amazed me how many people shared and how open everyone is. I have made so many friends. I love South Africa so much. I'm excited to see everyone in America but it is going to be awful when we leave everyone. I hope with all my heart I will be able to come back next year.
Love everyone
Savannah baird

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dancing Together!

I wish you could see what I see right now: younger campers, older campers, white campers, black campers, loud campers, quiet campers...representing 6 countries and 3 continents, many who had never met before this week; they have played, talked, shared, prayed and learned together. They set aside their differences and found that there are so many things they share in common: temptations, fears, situations, dreams, hopes, spiritual desires, longings to fulfill a purpose.  For one week they have inspired each other, encouraged each other, confessed to each other, and now tonight they dance together, sing to together and laugh together...sometimes I think this is as close to heaven I will ever get on this earth. They inspire me and call me higher. What an honor to dance with them. I pray we dance together all the way to heaven! Jeff

Last Day Dance Party!

Hey its Donovan! The dance party is rocking and this week has been so life changing for me! Shoutout to the GLVCC! SO MUCH FUN! gotta party see ya soon!

District 3( girls )

Hey everyone we are District 3 girls and we are enjoying our selves on Youth Camp in SOUTH AFRICA!!!  We have learnt so much from people all over the world and we are psyched to come next year. We have made tons of friends and are hoping that the friendships we have made will always last.
Lots of love from SA !!!