Monday, January 9, 2012

Loading for Home

We are boarding our last flight. We are tired, wired, and still fired...up! Stories are still coming to us by email of how much fun and how impactful the camp has been. We expect this to continue for some time. Pray for a safe return and more stories. Much love, Jeff

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Miles and miles

After traveling two thirds of the journey, I am amazed at the distance that I feel like I have traveled in both distance and attitude.  My feet hurt, my shoulder is dicey, and my heart will never be the same.  I have been moved and touched by the whole experience.  I have had some great talks with both teens, counselors, and adults.  I can't believe this experience and am humbled that I could be a part of it.  Thank you God!  This is a great group.  I didn't want to leave, but I am ready to see my wife and girls!!!  Thank you to all who supported us.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

On our way home!

We did it! Africa has been AMAZING! Camp was such a success for both the Africans and Americans. I feel like we all have learned so much about cultures and about God and the bonding was fantastic. It has been really cool to learn about different words in South Africa as well. Like robots=stoplights and buyadonkey=thank you. Church was also awesome this morning. The kids that attended the camp, both African and American, led the whole thing. And I would like to thank Mr. Jeff for giving me the opportunity to share my heart about camp this week during church as well. As of right now we are standing in line at the ticket counter, dreading leaving but yet can not wait to get home. See you soon!
                                                -Nate Duell
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Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

Charlie shows up to church in a sailor outfit...this was probably one of the happier parts of the day. From the moment we walked into the church building, emotions were rushing. We greeted our friends from camp and made our way up to the front of the room to lead the congregation in song. It was one of the coolest things to sing to God in a completely different language. The whole service was entirely led by counselors and campers. I was utterly amazed by the wisdom and maturity of my young brothers and sisters in the kingdom. As the service came to an end, we closed in song, and the tears came down like waterfalls. It was the hardest thing to say goodbye. Nothing against you guys, but none of us want to go back home. I know I speak for everyone when I say that Joburg has a huge place in our hearts.

-Jessica Hagins

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Best trip ever

This camp was the bomb! Last night we had a party and it was great! I made so many new friends and forged friendships that will last a lifetime. I'm sad to go but I know my family misses me. I got soveniers for you Drew and Dillon and I know you will love them. ps. I need a facebook mom and dad so I can chat with my new friends. I took great pics I know it :) . My host family was great and fun. They gave me a card I need to give to you. Love you and can't wait to see you.  
Donovan Stewart

To Sum It All Up

Amazing. I think that's the only word close enough to describing how amazing this past week has been. Trying to sum up all the friendships made and the emotions created, the tears shed and the laughter heard. Simply... Amazing. As one of the teens here in South Africa, I think it's safe to say that not only do I believe that those five days at camp were some of the best of my teenagehood, but also that after such a camp I know, and I think the rest of the teens here do too, that it's not impossible to make life-long friends in a span of five days. For the parents of the teenagers from the US, thank you SO much for letting your kids come. And to the campers and counselors who came... Keep loving the crew :)

- Sade
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Until Next Year...

Service today was indescribable. All I can say really is that it was like camp had not ended. We tasted the sweetness of heaven today. We started by having all who attended camp walk in during the first song, called Thula Sizwe. We all stood in front of the stage. Some campers shared their favorite part of camp. One of my campers gave me a shout out :) More singing ensued, and everybody was dancing and praising God from the bottom of their hearts. Two boy disciple campers preached the Word today and man, they brought it! They spoke with power, conviction, confidence, and spirit. I was deeply convicted. Reggie did communion, and that was incredible as well. We ended with a medley of Standin in the Need of Prayer, Christian Jubilee, and This Little Light of Mine. Again, all of us campers and counselors got up in front of the stage and sang and danced our hearts out. What happened afterwards only happens in the Kingdom and family of God. Hugging and crying and goodbyes were exchanged. There was not a dry eye. The love that resounded between our hearts was truly the high, long, wide, and deep love of Christ. We are truly united by the love and blood of Christ.
I have left my heart and soul here. Until next year,
Samantha Rorabaugh

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Culture Has Been Passed

The Swamp culture has been transferred.  It was amazing to see a safe fun environment develop in Africa.  There was a dramatic difference from the first day to the last day.  I cried several times during the thank you devotional.  This has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Mike Block
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Hard to Say Goodbye

"It's funny how its the little things in life that mean the most" the kids were so awesome and encouraging. God was definatley revealed to me in a new way this week. I don't wanna say bye!

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What a Trip!

Youth camp 2012 was swaggerific. We got to meet some great people and have a great time. Three top things about camp:
1. A new found relationship with God
2. Litche (a fruit here in the cradle of civilization)
3. Milky Bars

The days have been long, hot, and sweaty but full of inspiration and fun. #theboys are chillin here on the bus while continuing to sweat. We will all miss this amazing place but most of us are ready to get home. I know I'm ready for pizza, wings, and American football. We miss you all and can't wait to see you all! Miss you Goodwin family, especially you mommy.

Stephen Goodwin

Playing Our Part

Today was the last day of camp! It is sad but also happy because we have all made new friendships and have built on old ones. During the thankful devo and ring of honor, I learned that some people didn't want to come at first. Yet, once they arrived, they made great new friends and had a wonderful time. They also said that they learned a lot about God and got closer to him through this camp experience. A lot of the people from Africa expressed their gratitude for the U.S. people that came. I know that it encouraged all of us. We all came here to play a role in helping this camp, and we all did our jobs.

                                                                  -Rachel Thomas

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Coming Home

This week at camp has been amazing. I am so thankful to God for the friendships I have made. I really did not want to leave to be honest. But I know I will remember this week for the rest of my life.  I pray that I will always remember the things I have learned because This experience was a gift from God. America, you need to get ready because I am coming back with a new take on life and I plan on sharing it.
Cassie :)
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Corn bread, fried chicken, and sweet tea

Good morning!
Today is our last morning at the camp in Johannesburg. :(
The title if this blog is all southern because campers here have spent the week trying to copy our southern accent. How ironic since in America we always want a different accent.
I can not describe how much this camp has made a impact on me. The love and kindness that the South Africans have showed us has amazed me on a daily basis. From the second we arrived here we have been given above and beyond. Our host family and the church have taken such good care of us. I've really felt spoiled by the hospitality. Then once we finally got to the camp the campers where some of the nicest kids I have ever met. You could sit at a random table and within 5 minutes you would have a new best friend.
Jeff taught a lesson the other night about being a light, and how we can sometimes let parts of our heart go back into the darkness. Before this trip some parts of my heart had grown dark and hard...not anymore. The love I have felt here, the joy I see on the campers face, and the way God has blessed ever part of this trip has fixed every dark part of me. Africa really has brought me so much joy. I can't thank God enough of giving me this chance.
Love, Adrienne Hames

Greetings from South Africa
I would just like to take the time to thank God for this opportunity he gave us to be able to have befriended so many Americans. I personally have learned so much spiritually in the past week. Thank you so much to Jeff, Mrs. Jen, uncle Rodwell and aunty Osyilia you were amazing.
To God be the glory.
Love Chet
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Walls torn down

I have had the privelage to counsel the oldest girls (17-18 years old) on this trip, and to be honest, two days ago I might not have started off my sentence so positively. More than half of my girls didn't want to be here and it showed in their attitude. I've never had to persevere so hard with patience and being excited for the girls I was given. Last night I went to bed wondering if any impact would be left on the girls' hearts before they left. This morning, however, I can truly say I feel blessed. God revealed the work he's been doing on all of my girls' hearts since they've arrived 2 days ago. We had our thankful devotional this morning when everyone stands in front of the entire camp to express their gratitude verbally and publicly. As I expected, none of my girls got up to get in line. However, half way through, 3 of my campers got into line and wept about how they never wanted to come but they've had the best week of their life. Around me the rest of my girls cried out of the gratitude that was flowing from their hearts even though they didn't verbally express it. My heart is so excited right now by God's power and I was so moved to share it with you. I can't wait to share with you what will come of the next day and a half left now that God has torn down the walls of the older campers hearts.  

Miss you all!
Love from Africa,
Kelsey Chase

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Last Full Day

Hey this is Braxton, and today is Friday and a lot of us aren't looking forward to going home (sorry family).  We had the grateful devo today and there wasn't really a dry eye in the room because everyone felt so connected that talking about how grateful we were for our new friendships that it hurt to know that we might not see everyone again, at least that's how it was for me.  I personally have made such an amazing time and I've felt so blessed that even the gift of the friendships that I've made has been enough to last me so many years.  To God be the glory.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fevers are Breaking and Hearts are Opening

This afternoon my fever broke and besides the weak and wobbly knees I feel much better. Other than the two hour nap the doctor made me take today I haven't missed much...especially since I felt alive again today.  Thanks for your prayers.

And what a day to be alive.  We had so many challenges. Boys 8 beat Girls 1 in limbo.  What?!  We had a Flamingo challenge and a girl stood just over an hour on one leg to take the win. Wow, now that is determination! We also inducted 5 new victims, I mean people to the Chief Mau Mau club tonight.  Ha ha so funny.

We have also had our hearts moved as we heard several kids speak about the changes that have taken place in their lives in the past year. We had an all camp devotional about darkness (psalm 107 and 112) and several boys were moved.  The lights go out frequently here where the camp is and they went out for some time tonight, in fact we ate by candlelight. It was also raining and there were no stars out so we had a darkness devo instead of a starlight devo.

Tomorrow we head into our final day and the thankful devo, the cross study, and the ring honor are awaiting the kids all followed by a great dance party. Please continue to pray for no more sickness, safety and more hearts and characters to change.

Much love, Jeff

Ps. Have I mentioned how amazing the food has been. Wow! That's all I can say.

Pss. Feel free to comment on any blog entry as I share those with the kids.

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G5 Swamp Corps

I'm only human. This phrase has never made much sense. People always seem to use this phrase when they severely messed up. This however is not the case for the women of girls five. We've realized together that though we are only human, God has brought us all together for a great purpose. Though we all come from different places and even speak different languages, our loud voices and crazy spirits have brought us together as one sisterhood. To God be the glory.
Girls Five
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More than we can ask or imagine

I really like it here! The countryside is so beautiful, there is usually a breeze, and it is so peaceful. Last night we had our singing devotional around a big bonfire underneath the stars. I tried to drink it all in - that I was singing to God with 250 people in Africa. More than I could've ever asked or imagined. As happens on every trip, I have fallen in love with the people here.  The African kids are so polite and respectful. The adults are working hard in service - where are the teen workers when you need them?

The people here are in many ways tougher than we are - because their lives are tougher than ours. Their trust in God through their challenging circumstances is convicting. All (except Jeff) are doing well. Your kids are amazing and I am proud of each one.

The Unity of Believers

Today is the third day of our journey at camp. In  3 days I have seen something only God has created. The 12-13 year girls in my team have gone from strangers to inseparable friends over night, quite literally. I have heard singing in over five languages  the past two days. I have witnessed what I believe they call "impossible" in the world. These are the things I look forward to experiencing in heaven: complete unity from around the world. Peace and love
Jessica Smith from Columbia
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Amazing Stories

A day and a half in and already the stories are coming in: one girl, after hearing her the first Bible class, found her teen leader and confessed her sin, another girl asked her counselor to study the Bible, an older boy when asked why he came to camp honestly stated because "his parents made him," had a great conversation with his counselor, one of the counselors is so moved by the flow and atmosphere of camp he commented at length on the way it is impacting the kids, and I am expecting more to come.

Please pray for me as I have had a fever since Tuesday evening topping out at 104.2 last night. I am functioning but weak. The doctor is a great help and the way camp is going is motivating me to push on. Please to continue to pray for more amazing stories from the campers.

Much love, Jeff
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Amazing day two

Today was the first full day  of camp, it's very hard to put into words what we are experiencing here. The children are all so happy, friendly and polite. You know God is in the mist of things when you can bring so many people from different backgrounds and nationally together as one, playing and having a blast. Their differences do not matter here. This place has a gift of bringing us closer to God. Today I realized once more how blessed I am, I had lunch with an African kid and we exchanged our conversion stories. He had lost his mother and father by the age of 12, and his 3 sisters by the age of 15, and still became a follower of Christ! God's love for us is always present, and regardless of the test we are given in life God plans are always right. Thank you Lord for loving us and allowing us to be in Africa and make an impact in lives of so many.

Joyce Hinshaw

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Best camp ever!!!

I have been to 2 Camps so far in my life but this so far the only one with people from over seas and definently the best!!!

I hope I can come every year there is one!!! :)

Abigail Vos, South Africa:  Joburg

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Africa is absolutley beautiful! Being at the camp and being a camper again reminds me that all of us, American and African campers/counselors are all the same. We may all come from different places, but really we're all alike. Campers here in Africa are the same in America. I don't know why I expected it to be different because its really not. I love being here. It's like a pause from the real world. One of my favorite things about being here in South Africa is the sunset. I know sunsets are technically the same everywhere you go, but in a way its different. Because here you can really admire Gods beauty and just look at it. To not think about the hecticness of everyday life is nice. I'm so grateful that I get to be here. Never in my life I would of thought I'd be in Africa. I want to thank God for just putting this idea in the minds of Jeff and Rodwell and making this happen. Thank you. I want to thank my mom for pretty much paying for this trip. Mom you will never really know how much I appreciate and love you. Thank you. I'm so excited to grow more in friendships and grow deeper in Gods word.  
Mia Lapointe
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello from Africa!

The kids arrived today, and they are so excited to be here! Their smiling faces and eager hearts have shown me what all the hard work and travel and fund-raising were all about. Thank you so much to every person who helped get us here! I miss you all, but it will be hard to come home ;) -Tae

It's hard to say what it is that makes things run so well in spite of so many snares that have been left, but I am convinced that this camp is being run on faith and love. These kids came off of the bus today and I have been constantly impressed by how much everyone is working in spite of the travel and setup we all went through. It really is true that the heart of Jesus lives in this camp and I am so humbled to be here and so happy that I can help it work.  Thanks to everyone's support and prayers.JJ

First Time at Camp

I am enjoying my first day at the swamp camp it is my first. Camp and.I am.loving all the counselor are so friendly. And sweet  I'm loving making new friends and increasing my relationship with. GOD AND I JUST WANNA THANK. EVERYONE WHO ORGANISED THIS EVENT.THANK.YOU LOVE FROM  SINDI.  ANGELOS. DURBAN. SOUTH.AFRICA
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Sitting on a Bench having a deep meaningful chat about our future because we are in our last year at school. We are going to use these last few days to figure out what

Sitting on a bench having a deep meaningful chat about the future as we are in our final year of school. Going to use these next few days to try and figure out what God wants and what I need spirituality to succeed. Linzi and Kerri, Durban,South Africa

Everyone Is Here

The other buses arrived...we are all accounted for: 204 campers, 33 counselors, 11 adult volunteers and 5 directors. It is so cool to hear the kids voices, their laughter, the other languages...the camp breathes life. We are looking forward to a great week!

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Message from a local

Loving the energy that the swamp corps team has brought to south africa. So grateful that you are here. Can't wait for a super week. Teens just started arriving... (Yay!)

James & Maura
Cape Town (south africa)
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Campers are Here!

The campers are here! The campers are here!

Campers are coming from two different locations, one bus load from Pretoria and two others from the north side of Joburg. The Pretoria group showed up but the other two buses ate running late. Either way we are glad the campers are here. Now we can get our camp on. Continue to pray for us.  Jeff

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Poitjie the Pig

Kingdom! As I am writing to you, we are all sitting around the table munching on a South African dish called poitjie kos. Sounds like a Northerner saying porky. Everyone is buzzing with excitement of what is to come tomorrow. Today was all about team building and creating a family with people literally from all over the world. We got to share our insecurities and our dreams of how God will change the hearts of the kids...and ours. Please continue praying for us, especially since the kids will be coming tomorrow...all 185 of them. Much love from South Africa.

Maranda Modlin

Shout out to my boy Reg!
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Hey this is Braxton, so today we are at the camp for the first time and it is really beautiful, just the scenery and everything has been great! We've been going through some training, well mostly for the counselors but it has been very relaxed. We also got to meet the African counselors which was the most exciting thing and they are really fun and just a great group of people. And just because I didn't get to say it before, I loved going to see the lions on New Years it was really fun hen got to chill with the awesome family I'm staying with and now I'm late for the next meeting so bye and thank you for all your support its really been a truly amazing experience and I know we all feel so blessed! Bye!
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Africa New Years

I've done so much these past few days before camp has even started. On Saturday night the church there had a new years dance party. The whole church came to dance and celebrate the new year then have a midnight communion service. I tried imagining the church in Athens doing this. Anyway. In the party I got to crowd surf for the first time. Although this wasn't the smoothest thing Scuba claimed this would only help me get a girlfriend. This is a common subject with him since he himself is trying to find him an "African Princess." To top the night off the communion service was great with three prayers in three different languages and the new year marked the first day of my dads job for Swamp. Four hours later my host family took me and Adam, James, and Stephen at five in the morning to a game reserve where we saw giraffes, elephants, springbox, wildabeast, rhinos, boars, zebra, and baboons. We were incredibly close to many of the animals and got outside of the car, five feet away from a family of baboons. I also almost slapped a zebra on the butt because it  was in the middle of the road. After that we bargained in a market where I got a Zulu mask and a rhino and lion sculpture. I have done so much and I'm just now on my way to the camp.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hanging with Our Hosts and Seeing Some Sights

We rang in the new year in South Africa! As we hugged each other and our new friends we all felt a sense of disbelief. Afterward we did a communion service. Three brothers prayed in three different languages - English, Afrikaans, and Zulu - so cool and inspiring. I thought about how the only reason we are in South Africa is because of the blood of Jesus. Not only are my sins forgiven and heaven is waiting, God gives me incredible opportunities in my life here on earth.

Today we are all hanging out with our host families doing different things.  A group of 13 of us went to tour Soweto. We saw Bishop Tutu's home as well as Nelson Mandela's.  The most moving place we saw was a memorial to the student
uprising that took place on Soweto in 1976. Many high school age students were killed in the protest and South Africans mark it as the event that led to the end of apartheid.  I am inspired to think about our teens and college students leading a spiritual uprising!

Tomorrow we head out to the camp!  We are eager and ready to begin what we came for especially after being inspired by the children of Soweto...truly our children can change the world.

Happy New Year!

Love, Jennifer