Sunday, August 4, 2013

Going home

On the way home. Feels good to be going back and at the same time sad.

-Caleb Gordon

Farewell Barbados

Whoo, about to board the flight. Being here in Barbados has been an unrealized dream come true. I'm going to miss the children. Their tears left a trail from the camp to the airport. I'm sad but I'm more excited because of the next time we meet there will be stories of miracles, faith, loss, and gain. I'm looking forward to Swamp 2014! Looking forward to some rest on the flight.
-Bajan Out aka Karl Bolinger.

Leaving barbados

How this week has gone by really fast. It has been incredible watching God work in this beautiful,small country. I will miss this this place and hope God will continue to help them out

Javi Schirmer

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fruity Fun

Bim Camp is over and we are all settled in to our hotel rooms and have been spending all afternoon at the beach chilling with our Bajans. I tried Goose Berries and Ackees and they were amazing! I was a tad skeptical at first but they were delicious!! We Americans are about to go get some grub that Jeff so graciously is paying for. We have church in the morning and Shawn and Gale asked me to speak about my experience this week so please pray I do well and the entire service goes amazing. Then at 3:15 we get on the plane back headed for America. It's going to be a very bitter sweet ride but I truly miss my family and friends and can't wait to see them again. Well we are off to dinner! Bye!
Condense condense condense.
Lauren Cicerchia

Swamp and Surf

Hi everyone! Shout out from Barbados! We just finished an amazing week at camp. It was incredible to see the Bajans grow and take ownership of their camp this week. From the leadership of Shawn and Gale as well as the counselors and oldest boys, to the hearts of the youngest girls, God was truly glorified this week. I am confident that Bim Camp is here to stay, and I'm so encouraged by the vulnerability shown this week.
Currently, we are at an amazing resort with the bluest water ever, enjoying some time in the sun and surf. I'm so excited for the Bajan teen-led service tomorrow. I can't wait to worship with the Bridgetown Church. Thanks to everyone who has supported Swamp Corps and made this possible!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dinner date

My cabin played against boys 2 at death ball and we might've lost.. I don't really know. Ok so we did lose and we had to go in a dinner date and serve them their food. My date was Caleb and he kept asking me questions so I talked the whole time and didn't get to eat my food. Anyways Barbados is just as amazing and the weather has been beautiful. Keep us in our prayers
Caroline Long

The Friendships at Bim Camp

I met Caleb at the beginning of the week and we basically got to know each other at that time. We are both the same age and clicked instant. We all played deathball and basically waste away our days playing it. The lessons have also allowed us to draw closer and I'm really glad Caleb could make it to Bim Camp 2013.

I am a Bajan.

This week is truly flying by. I mean it's already Thursday and we leave Barbados Sunday afternoon. I have built relationships I know I will never forget, been to classes that will change my life, and had food that is absolutely wonderful. It's lunch right now and we are about to go to our 2 hour cabin time (nap time!) and then we get to go to the park and play Swamp Ball! Please pray no one gets hurt and we all have tons of fun. I think I can speak for all of the Americans here this week that we are all so grateful for this amazing opportunity to spend a week with all of our Bajans. Thank you for everyone that made it possible for us to be here!
P.S. Shawn did an AMAZING job leading the cross study.
P.P.S The stars are absolutely gorgeous here
P.P.P.S I am a Bajan.
Lauren Cicerchia