Thursday, July 31, 2014

Comin' at you from Boys 2

Greetings world from Boys Team 2 (Yas!) Our week here at the Bahamas Camp has been going great! Our team has been getting along well between our challenges, delicious meals, and our KILLAH DANCE MOVES. There is so much energy and willingness among everyone! 
Representing boys 2 here! We just finished swamp ball and Mrs. Jen, Mr. Jeff and Nick (there son) all got run over. I dont think I laughed that hard in a while. My cabin is so amazing. They are the funniest boys ive ever met. One of them fell into the same hole 3 times! Its been a blast! I cant wait to experience the rest of camp.
-Cory and Dillon (respectively)


One of the biggest questions people have about summer camps is: "Are they safe?"
The Swamp is by far one of the most physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally safe camps there is. However there is one factor that even the best camps can't guard against: nature. That is why we have God. 

When boys 3 returned to our dorm for the night we were greeted by Swamp smell (you'll understand when your kids get home) and decided to set up a few hammocks. Everything was fine until one of the trees collapsed. Unknown to us there had been termites burrowing through one of the trees root system. And the force of a camper hopping in was just enough to tip the tree and topple it over. It could have easily fallen on someone, but as it was about to crash into another near by hammock (which I was in at the time) it hit a second tree that deflected it just enough that it not only missed me, and the Bahamian counselor with me, but even the hammock  that was the cause of it collapsing in the first place.

Protection from God is da :D
-J Fry

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Literal Best Ever

HI MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my first Swamp Corps trip and its absolutely AMAZING!!! Everyone is so nice here and the food is literally delicious. But the best part is definitely being able to Swamp impact the lives of all of these amazing Bahamians! Its truly an extraordinary experience and one that I never could have imagined!
-Cristi Tanner, age 15

Camp has officially started!

The campers have started to arrive, introductions have been made, and we're playing cards. Right now I'm trying to convince a Bahamian camper to join in on a game. He'll come around eventually.  That's all for now.                     
Maggie Frantz (age 13)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hello from Dad

A personal whisper to my Tiful and Aiden and Avery.  No landsharks!  Soakin up sun, relaxed atmosphere,  and fine home cooking.  We were tested briefly last night with a delay in electicity and water but it gave us all alot more graditude for the simple things.
Love to you all,  Todd

Bahamas Day Two

Words cant describe how grateful I am just to be here with this amazing team of people. In times like these I realize how truly blessed I am to live the life that I do & be given the chance to be on this trip. I have high hopes for this week and I can only pray that by the end of this week, lives have been changed for the better & God is nothing but proud of the work that weve all done here. 
-Meaghan Upchurch

Lights Out!

Last night, we arrived at the place where camp will be held. We had the chance to tour the camp and get settled into our dorms. Right before dinner, a man told us that the power was out meaning no lights, no fans, and very low water pressure. After dinner, we played Frisbee with the little daylight we had left and then decided to play Sardines which is a game where one person hides and everyone looks for him/her and then you hide with them and get packed into one space like sardines...hence the name.
It started getting darker and some of us just sat and told embarrassing stories (Nick telling us embarrassing stories) and around 10 most of us were tired and decided to go back to the dorms. Remember that the power is still out. The girls got to the dorm with our flashlights and some of us stay up and talk while others try to get some sleep. Thankfully, around 11:30 the power comes on and the fans and lights all turn on. We are all so happy and are now able to sleep well.
So now we sit here eating pancakes with your choice of eggs and sausage and mini boxes of cereal. Today the Bahamian counselors will arrive and there will be training and more opportunities to get close as a team! I cant wait to see what this week holds and please keep praying for safety and a fun time!
Here is a picture of the view from the dining hall!
Roll Jordan Roll,
Lauren Cicerchia (camper)

Monday, July 28, 2014

We have arrived

After a 10 minute bus ride from the airport,  we have arrived at the Bahamas youth camp location.  We took a tour and named  places, such as jurassic park. The on thing we did not see were the bathhouses. Are there bathhouses?  actually they are inside the dorms. Ha ha We sure hope so. We know it is officially camp when we saw the gaga pit. Shoutout to the awesome Bahamians who built that! To all the worried parents, we are safe, we have arrived, we are hot and sweaty, but the food made up for it.
Emma H. (Age 14) and Katie F. (Age 13)

We are here!

At The Airport

Waiting in airport for plane! So excited its my first time out of the country and we are talking and watching the plane dock and get our luggage put in . And jeff is eating bacon chocolate thats really salty :)
Ellie McLaughlin

Waiting to board!

We are waiting to board the plane here in ATL. Most everyone has given in to the Five Guys across from our gate. Mr. Jeff has tried the first exotic food: chacon. (Bacon flavored chocolate) It's completely American, oh well. We are all SO EXCITED. For many of us it's our first trip either A. Out of the country B. With SwampCorps or C. All of the above. For me (Liz Carter here) it's my first trip with SwampCorps. I'm stoked for the week ahead with God at the forefront. Swamp transformed my whole outlook on camps and how vital the Body of Christ is to those young and not-so-young. God is going to do amazing things throughout this next week. Keep praying for us!

Leaving Today

We are finally leaving for the airport to the Bahamas, after going back to the house three times! We are excited to begin this adventure for the first year in the Bahamas. There are 36 campers and eight counselors waiting for us from three islands. I am excited  because this will be the first time we end camp on a Sunday with a worship service. The church in Nassau will join us for church at the camp. I am very proud of the team of 43 who have come from all over the Southeast and Nevada and the way they're going to plant the camp culture.  Look for more blogs as we go through the week.  Be sure to comment on the blog and we'll be sure to show them to people.