Monday, May 19, 2014

I am blogging because my parents are concerned

It is midnight here in Chennai, and our group is waiting patiently for the flight back to Frankfurt. We just learned that it has been delayed 1 hour, so we are just making the most of the time buying souvenirs and semi-American snacks. I personally am trying to fight off some food poisoning a few of us got Saturday night, and it's not fun. I had to stay behind at the hotel today, while the rest went on an outdoor shopping trip. The sickness has made it a little challenging for some of us to enjoy these last couple of days, and for me it has been difficult to remember all the blessings we received through all of this. But in spite of a rough ending, I can faithfully say that this trip has been a huge success. We gave our all, and I believe everyone who was a part of this camp fell in love with God all over again. I have never felt so grateful to have been given a week of camp to counsel for. I know that God will surely do great things for the ICC in the years to come. Also, our flight just got undelayed! Yeaaahyeaaah.

Grayson Williams

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you, Grayson! Satan wants you to feel like something was taken from you so that you'll forget God's rich blessings - he knows the surge of spirit power that comes from genuine serving, which is what you all have done all week. You guys have had an eternal impact on hundreds of children...of course he's mad! Love you so much and can't wait to see you! And yes, I"M CONCERNED. xomom
